Our Audience

Young female jobseeker using a laptop

Reach thousands of qualified job seekers in financial planning

The CFP Board Career Center connects talent to hiring firms in financial planning

Our Reach

12,000Page Views Weekly

6,800Job Alerts Sent Weekly

9,000Candidate Profiles

2,400Job Views Weekly

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Image of young job seeker using laptop

28 of our job seekers have 10+ years of experience in financial services*

22 of our job seeker audience are willing to relocate*

Image of young graduate

90 of job seekers engaged with the CFP Board Career Center are a CFP® professional or working towards certification*

89 hold a Bachelor's Degree or higher*

Over half of job seekers engaged with the CFP Board Career Center are actively seeking a position as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional.

Contact us to post a Financial Planner or Financial Advisor position today and your listing will be distributed in up to 2500+ relevant job alerts to highly relevant candidates within 24hrs.

Image of two professionals using CFP Board Career Center

“We posted our job for a financial paraplanner in a small, fee-only RIA. The applications we received were all qualified. As a result, we spent less time sorting through candidates and more time talking to qualified applicants.”

John Chesbrough, CFP®

Image of John Chesbrough, CFP®, Lead Planner & Firm Owner, Trail Financial Planning

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Source: Google Analytics / Madgex Insights Reporting

*Data reflects the percentage of job seekers who provided this information within their visible or non-visible CFP Board Career Center candidate profile.