Posting Solutions

Why advertise with the CFP Board Career Center?

Are you seeking a high caliber of talent to build your team and drive your business forward? Look no further than the CFP Board Career Center.

By choosing to post your job vacancy with us, you will:

·       Gain direct access to a talent pool in the financial services field, including CFP® professionals, candidates for CFP® certification, as well as career changers and financial planning students looking for their first opportunity.

·       Be able to select the package that best meets your talent requirements

·       Be able to set resume alerts to be notified of new qualified candidates’ that match your job.

·       Be able to search our database of qualified resumes for new talent, including “passive” job seekers who might be responsive to a new opportunity.

·       Save valuable recruiting time and resources while identifying good candidates.


Click here to view our Job Posting Packages

A few tips on how to write an effective job posting

The search for the right candidate starts with a well-written job posting. The more specific your posting is in terms of describing the role and responsibilities of the position, the better your chance of finding the perfect candidate.

Your job posting should include:

·       Job title – Avoid using internal terms and acronyms; use a title that is generic but relevant, bearing in mind that candidates use keywords to search jobs and roles.

·       Location – be as specific on location as possible, as candidates filter based on location; note if working remotely is available for the position.

·       Required skills and qualifications – details are important in order to attract qualified candidates.

·       About the company and its culture – this is often cited as one of the key factors in deciding whether to apply/accept a position and will help attract job candidates who will fit your organization’s culture. Be sure to have a company profile associated with your posting. In the posting itself, outline the work environment, company values and mission.

·       Key areas of responsibility – again, details here are important. Also, clearly define where the role fits within the organization’s hierarchy.·       Which other teams or people the employee will work with regularly.

·       Contract type and working hours – if the role allows for flexible and remote working include this information, as it may spell the difference between whether the candidate applies for the role in your organization over another.

·       Salary range and key benefits – candidates filter roles based on salary, so when possible, it is advisable to at least state a range; employee benefits and perks can make the position more attractive.